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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - tick


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(ticks, ticking, ticked) 1. A tick is a written mark like a V: ?. It is used to show that something is correct or has been selected or dealt with. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use check) Place a tick in the appropriate box. N-COUNT 2. If you tick something that is written on a piece of paper, you put a tick next to it. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use check) Please tick this box if you do not wish to receive such mailings... VERB: V n 3. When a clock or watch ticks, it makes a regular series of short sounds as it works. A wind-up clock ticked busily from the kitchen counter. VERB: V • Tick away means the same as tick. A grandfather clock ticked away in a corner. PHRASAL VERB: V P • ticking ...the endless ticking of clocks. N-UNCOUNT: oft N of n 4. The tick of a clock or watch is the series of short sounds it makes when it is working, or one of those sounds. He sat listening to the tick of the grandfather clock. N-COUNT 5. You can use tick to refer to a very short period of time. (BRIT INFORMAL) I’ll be back in a tick... = sec N-COUNT 6. If you talk about what makes someone tick, you are talking about the beliefs, wishes, and feelings that make them behave in the way that they do. (INFORMAL) He wanted to find out what made them tick... VERB: V 7. A tick is a small creature which lives on the bodies of people or animals and uses their blood as food. ...chemicals that destroy ticks and mites... N-COUNT
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   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English tyke, teke; akin to Middle High German zeche ~, Armenian tiz  Date: 14th century  1. any of a superfamily (Ixodoidea) of bloodsucking acarid arachnids that are larger than the related mites, attach themselves to warm-blooded vertebrates to feed, and include important vectors of infectious diseases  2. any of various usually wingless parasitic dipteran flies — compare sheep ked  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English tike, probably from Middle Dutch (akin to Old High German ziahha ~), from Latin theca cover, from Greek theke case; akin to Greek tithenai to place — more at do  Date: 15th century  1. the fabric case of a mattress, pillow, or bolster; also a mattress consisting of a ~ and its filling  2. ~ing I  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English tek pat, light stroke; akin to Middle High German zic light push  Date: 1680  1.  a. a light rhythmic audible tap or beat; also a series of such ~s  b. the time taken by the ~ of a clock ; moment  2. a small spot or mark; especially one used to direct attention to something, to check an item on a list, or to represent a point on a scale  IV. verb  Date: 1721  intransitive verb  1. to make the sound of a ~ or a series of ~s  2. to operate as a functioning mechanism ; run tried to understand what made him ~ the motor was ~ing over quietly  transitive verb  1. to mark with a written ~ ; check — usually used with off ~ed off each item in the list  2. to mark, count, or announce by or as if by ~ing beats a meter ~ing off the cab fare  3. to touch with a momentary glancing blow ~ed the ball  V. noun  Etymology: short for 1~et  Date: 1642 chiefly British credit, trust; also a credit account ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a slight recurring click esp. that of a watch or clock. 2 esp. Brit. colloq. a moment; an instant. 3 a mark to denote correctness, check items in a list, etc. --v. 1 intr. a (of a clock etc.) make ticks. b (foll. by away) (of time etc.) pass. 2 intr. (of a mechanism) work, function (take it apart to see how it ticks). 3 tr. a mark (a written answer etc.) with a tick. b (often foll. by off) mark (an item in a list etc.) with a tick in checking. Phrases and idioms in two ticks Brit. colloq. in a very short time. tick off colloq. reprimand. tick over 1 (of an engine etc.) idle. 2 (of a person, project, etc.) be working or functioning at a basic or minimum level. tick-tack (or tic-tac) Brit. a kind of manual semaphore signalling used by racecourse bookmakers to exchange information. tick-tack-toe US noughts and crosses. tick-tock the ticking of a large clock etc. what makes a person tick colloq. a person's motivation. Derivatives tickless adj. Etymology: ME: cf. Du. tik, LG tikk touch, tick 2. n. 1 any of various arachnids of the order Acarina, parasitic on the skin of dogs and cattle etc. 2 any of various insects of the family Hippoboscidae, parasitic on sheep and birds etc. 3 colloq. an unpleasant or despicable person. Phrases and idioms tick-bird = ox-pecker. tick fever a bacterial or rickettsial fever transmitted by the bite of a tick. Etymology: OE ticca (recorded as ticia); ME teke, tyke: cf. MDu., MLG teke, OHG zecho 3. n. colloq. credit (buy goods on tick). Etymology: app. an abbr. of TICKET in phr. on the ticket 4. n. 1 the cover of a mattress or pillow. 2 = TICKING. Etymology: ME tikke, teke f. WG f. L theca f. Gk theke case ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) отметка, чёрточка отмечать 2) импульс сигнала времени ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  засечка; отметка; чёрточка; галочка grid ticks ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  импульс сигнала точного времени ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) брать в долг 2) отбивать удары 3) отмечать 4) тикать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) кредит 2) доверие 3) минимальное изменение цены (повышение или понижение) • - buy smth on tick - down tick - go on tick - go upon tick - pay one's tick - run on tick - run upon tick - sell smth on tick 2. гл. 1) жить в кредит 2) покупать в кредит 3) залезть в долги 4) отпустить в долг TICK сущ. 1) эк., разг. кредит 2) общ. доверие; репутация честного и платёжеспособного человека 3) бирж. минимальное изменение цены (повышение или понижение) 4) бирж. разовое изменение биржевой цены (ценной бумаги в любую сторону) See: plus tick, minus tick, zero plus tick, zero minus tick 5) бирж. (рыночный индикатор, характеризующий разницу между количеством ценных бумаг, по которым произошло повышение цены по сравнению с последней сделкой, и количеством ценных бумаг, по которым цена по сравнению с последней сделкой упала; низкое значение данного показателя в техническом анализе является признаком слабого рынка) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) клещ 2) pl иксодовые клещи (Ixodidae) – American dog tick – argasid ticks – bat ticks – black-legged tick – cattle tick – Cayenne tick – fowl tick – Pacific Coast tick – rabbit tick – relapsing-fever tick – Rocky Mountain wood tick – sed ticks – sheep tick – soft ticks – spotted-fever tick – tropical horse tick – winter tick ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  фин. "тик" Один шаг в изменении биржевой цены ценной бумаги ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. тиканье, тик-так the tick of the clock —- тиканье часов 2. жужжание, гудение the tick of a moth against the windowpane —- жужжание мошки, бьющейся об стекло 3. удар (сердца, пульса) tick of the blood —- удар пульса 4. разг. момент, мгновение; секунда to (on) the tick —- точно, пунктуально on the tick of seven —- ровно в семь you're on the tick —- вы пришли минута в минуту in a tick —- моментально, немедленно I can explain it in two ticks —- я могу объяснить это в два счета 5. минутка, одна минутка just a tick!, half a tick! —- секундочку! 6. отметка, птичка, галочка to mark smth. off with a tick —- отмечать что-л. галочкой to put a tick opposite each name —- поставить галочку против каждого имени 7. тикать the clock ticks —- часы тикают 8. отстукивать (также tick away, tick out) the watch ticks away the time —- часы отсчитывают секунды the tape-machine ticked out the news —- телеграфный аппарат выстукивал новости 9. бежать, идти (о времени; также tick by) the minutes are ticking (by) —- минуты бегут 10. отмечать галочкой, ставить отметку 11. жить; действовать, работать what makes him tick? —- чем он живет?; что дает ему силы? 12. разг. кредит on (upon) tick, —- уст. on the tick в кредит to live on tick —- жить в кредит to buy smth. on tick —- покупать что-л. в кредит to go (to run) on (upon) tick, to go tick —- покупать в кредит; залезать в долги 13. счет a long tick —- большой счет to pay one's...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  away отстукивать; the watch ticks away the time часы отсчитывают секунды; the tape-machine ticked out the news телеграфный аппарат выстукивал новости; TICK off  а) отмечать галочкой, ставить галочку; to tick off the items on a list отмечать пункты в списке; Tick off the names of the members as they vote.  б) coll. быстро сказать, выпалить одним духом, отбарабанить;  в) coll. бранить, пробирать, давать нагоняй;  г) coll. выводить из себя, раздражать, сердить; Her rudeness really ticked me off.  д) coll. отделать, распушить TICK out выстукивать (о телеграфном аппарате) TICK over  а) mot. катиться по инерции с выключенным двигателем;  б) работать вхолостую;  в) топтаться на месте, не двигаться вперёд;  г) sl. быть открытым, работать, функционировать (о ночном клубе и т.п.) TICK I noun  1) чехол (матраца, подушки)  2) тик (материя) II  1. noun  1) тиканье  2) отметка, птичка, галочка  3) coll. мгновение; in a tick - моментально, немедленно; to/on the tick - точно, пунктуально  2. v.  1) тикать  2) делать отметку, ставить птичку (тж. tick off) - tick away - tick off - tick out - tick over what makes him tick? - чем он живет?, что придает ему силы? III  1. noun  1) coll. кредит; to go/run (on) tick - брать в кредит; влезать в долги; to buy (to sell) on tick - покупать (продавать) в кредит  2) счет  2. v.  1) брать в долг; покупать в кредит  2)...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 a mark () written next to an answer, something on a list etc, to show that it is correct or has been dealt with check2 (9) AmE  (Put a tick in the box if you agree with this statement.) 2 a very small animal like an insect that lives under the skin of other animals and sucks their blood 3 the short repeated sound that a clock or watch makes every second 4 spoken especially BrE a very short time  (in a tick (=soon))  (I'll be with you in a tick.) 5 on tick informal old-fashioned if you get something on tick, you arrange to take it now and pay later ~2 v 1 if a clock or watch ticks, it makes a short sound every second 2 BrE to mark a test, list of questions etc with a tick, usually to show that something is correct; check1 (5) AmE  (Tick the box next to the statement that best describes you.) 3 what makes sb tick informal the thoughts, desires, opinions etc that give someone their character or make them behave in a particular way tick away/by phr v 1 if time ticks away or by, it passes, especially when you are waiting for something to happen  (We're going to have to make a decision - time's ticking away.) 2 T tick something away) if a clock or watch ticks away the hours, minutes etc, it shows them as they pass tick sb/sth off phr v 1 BrE informal to tell someone angrily that you are annoyed with them or disapprove of them  (The teacher ticked us off for talking in class.) 2 BrE to mark the things on a list with a tick to show that they are finished or have been dealt with  (She should have ticked off Miss Vine's name on her list.) 3 AmE informal to annoy someone tick over phr v BrE 1 if a vehicle's engine ticks over, it works slowly without moving the vehicle 2 if a system, business etc ticks over, it continues working but without producing very much or without much happening  (The business is just about ticking over.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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